Monday, June 27, 2011


Being economically savvy can better your health.  GAIN AN ENJOYABLE AND PROFITABLE JOB AND SLEEP BETTER  We all know that sleep is good.  Why is sleep good.  According to sleep causes an important factor in health:  Growth Hormone
Growth hormone (also known as HGH, for “human growth hormone”) is something we all want more of. It builds muscle, burns fat, helps you resist heart disease, and protects your bones — among many other health benefits. People with higher levels of growth hormone tend to live longer, and better.
Impact on your metabolism: By increasing your muscle mass, growth hormone raises your resting metabolic rate and gives you more power for your workouts. It also helps you tap into your fat stores for fuel and discourages your fat cells from absorbing or holding on to any fat floating around in your bloodstream.
In addition to these amazing feats, growth hormone helps your liver synthesize glucose, and it promotes gluconeogenesis, a really cool process that allows your body to create carbs out of protein. This helps you lose fat faster while providing your brain and other tissues with the energy they need.
How growth hormone gets messed up: Growth hormone deficiency is a very real condition that’s especially detrimental in childhood. Kids without enough of the hormone end up shorter and experience delayed sexual development. Growth hormone starts to decline naturally sometime after our thirties, but certain bad habits can speed the decline.
Of all the things you can do to mess up your hormone balance, depriving yourself of good-quality sleep is probably the dumbest. The largest release of growth hormone happens during your deepest, stage 4, sleep. So if your sleep cycle is constantly interrupted, expect your growth hormone levels to drop.
Eating too many low-quality carbs and thus maintaining high levels of blood sugar and insulin is another way to suppress your growth hormone levels. Protein, on the other hand, can help release more growth hormone, so if you shortchange yourself there in favor of carbs, your production of the hormone will be doubly slammed. Evidence is also starting to emerge that hormones from pesticides and other contaminants in our environment and diet can affect our growth hormone levels.
You may have heard about HGH supplements, but whatever you do, don’t get HGH shots just yet. Supplementation is controversial and risky, and it may even cause insulin resistance. One surefire way to turn your body into a growth hormone factory is to get regular, intense exercise. Not only does this help you burn fat but it keeps your blood glucose levels stable so that you have the energy to keep on exercising. That means we all need to get off our butts and capitalize on this incredibly healthy way to slow aging — and not jab ourselves with HGH syringes!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Healthy Eats

Here's some healthy eating on a budget tips:

Must-have grocery list

As you plan meals for the week, make sure your grocery list includes the following healthy foods that are packed with nutrition and won’t break the bank:
Apples (organic)
Brown rice
Dark chocolate
Green tea
Non-fat milk
Non-fat plain yogurt
Sweet potatoes

Also...going to try this mixed bean salad with the bbq this memorial day weekend:

Dietitian's tip: Beans are a good way to add fiber to your diet, especially soluble fiber. Generally, 1 cup of cooked beans provides 9 to 13 grams of fiber. The soluble fiber can help lower blood cholesterol. Beans are also high in protein, complex carbohydrates and iron.
By Mayo Clinic staff
Serves 8


    1 can (15 ounces) unsalted green beans, rinsed and drained 1 can (15 ounces) unsalted wax beans, rinsed and drained 1 can (15 ounces) unsalted kidney beans, rinsed and drained 1 can (15 ounces) unsalted garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained 1/4 cup chopped white onion 1/4 cup orange juice 1/2 cup cider vinegar Sugar substitute, if desired


In a large bowl, combine the beans and onions. Stir gently to mix evenly.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the orange juice and vinegar. Add sugar substitute for desired sweetness.
Pour the orange juice mixture over the bean mixture. Stir to coat evenly. Let stand 30 minutes before serving.

Nutritional Analysis

(per serving)
Serving size: 3/4 cup
Calories130 Cholesterol0 mg
Protein7 g Sodium110 mg
Carbohydrate25 g Fiber7 g
Total fat0 g Potassium397 mg
Saturated fat0 g Calcium65 mg
Monounsaturated fat0

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Save the Earth

Go Smog Eating High Rise!  :)

All natural all green is the way to go.  I'm not there yet.  Recycle - yes, compost - not yet, purchase all items without packaging - wow very difficult (yes my babies wore disposable diapers), but hey saved a lot from not using the washer!  (Hand wash?  What?  Gew)  ;)  No high fructose corn syrup - yes, natural - most of the time, all organic - trying!

Get nutrients from produce grown in an organic manner and vine-ripened in a convenient way:  check it out

Kale Fights Cancer

Try some of these recipes and let me know what you think:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Want to improve your health?

You can pair certain symptoms with nutrients and then research what foods provide those nutrients.  For example, Beta-carotene helps rid acne and can be found in carrots; auto-immune disorders can be improved with Coenzyme Q10 found in say brocolli; and insomnia can be helped with Melatonin which can be found in many plants.  To find convenient ways of adding beneficial nutrients to your diet visit

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Allergy Asthma

Strengthen your immune system with fruits and vegetables if you have allergies (your body has trouble fighting bacteria when it is busy fighting allergies).  Catching something like pneumonia cannot be fun when you have asthma.  Many times young ones with allergy asthma have asthma flare ups with simple cough colds.  Find a convenient way to add fruits and veggies to your diet through capsules or through your child's diet by soft chews.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is orthorexia?

Can you believe this?  If you want to stay away from the pesticides,  you are now labeled orthorexic! What will they come up with next?  Oh and if you want to stay away from gluten, you are an orthorexic!  Ridiculous!  Wonder who started this and who's backing it...financially?  ;)  I could make a guess on the lobbyists!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Great Quiz!

How do you think you'll do?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Taco Bell Beef Lawsuit

Ever wonder what is in our meet (no matter where you get it)?

Salmonella, Staph, Nitrates Oh My!

Be sure to get your antioxidants to combat these things


Juice Plus+ was a new product when I first began to recommend it. As an infectious disease specialist, I had seen firsthand the importance of good nutrition in maintaining a healthy immune system. Unfortunately, I had also seen how difficult it was for my patients to eat as well as they should – especially when it came to fruits and vegetables.

I simply saw the common sense of Juice Plus+, as there was no published Juice Plus+ clinical research at the time. Since then, there have been a number of clinical studies conducted and published – more than 15 so far, with numerous others underway.

There’s one in particular I’ll mention here: a study of 59 healthy law school students was conducted at The University of Florida and published in The Journal of Nutrition in October 2006.

Researchers tested students’ blood after 7 weeks of taking Juice Plus+ – about the same amount of time that’s passed since you started taking it. They found a 30% increase in circulating gamma delta-T cells, an important indicator of immune function. They also reported a 40% reduction in DNA strand breaks. (DNA is the basic genetic “building block” of our bodies.)

Both of these findings are indications of how adding good nutrition works at a cellular level to make us healthier. The added good nutrition in this case came from Juice Plus+.

Medical colleagues often ask me why I feel so strongly about recommending Juice Plus+. I tell them I think it would be unethical of me not to recommend it, knowing what I know about the product and the science behind it.

People don’t eat as well as they should, and I’m no exception. That’s why I’ve taken Juice Plus+ every day for more than 15 years.

Richard DuBois, M.D.

Atlanta, Georgia
During his 42 years as a practicing physician, Dr. Richard DuBois served
as President of the Georgia Society of Internal Medicine, President of the
Infectious Disease Society of Georgia, and President of the Medical Association of Atlanta.
He has been included in the list of Best Doctors in America and chosen by his
medical colleagues as their “physician of choice” in his specialty. Like many health
professionals, he shares Juice Plus+ as an independent Juice Plus+ representative.


Rest is important for your health

You might say, "but I do not have time to rest".  Trust me, make time, you'll be more efficient when you're awake!

Rest can save people from car accidents, rest improves health and your immune system, rest improves looks (get your beauty sleep)!


Check out some Nutella recipes:

I also enjoy organic peanut butter.  My grandma talks about how it reminds her of the peanut butter they used to get in town long ago!  :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Health and Wellness: Juice Plus

Health and Wellness: Juice Plus: "A convenient way to add 17 fruits, vegetables and grains to your diet! Check out what experts have to say and the clinical research at"

Juice Plus

A convenient way to add 17 fruits, vegetables and grains to your diet!  Check out what experts have to say and the clinical research at  Also, the video on the front page is wonderful!  Have a great day!

Friday, April 15, 2011


These silly guys can save your health!  ;)

One of my favorite places to go out to eat

Check out the nutritional information.  It is always good to check out nutritional information.  Items such as salads may appear healthy while actually containing many calories, etc...

The Beauty of Fruits and Vegetables

And find a convenient way to increase your nutrients from fruits and vegetables at

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Natural is not Organic (Nature's Path)

What is the difference between Natural and Organic?  Conventional may use artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, fertilizers, pesticides, irradiation, and genetically manufactured ingredients.  Natural may only use artificial fertilizers, pesticides, irradiation, and genetically manufactured ingredients.  Organic uses none of the items mentioned previously!  Interesting stuff!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Improve your Immune System

Check out this health study:

To find out more

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The benefits of sun exposure!  Vitamin D?  What else?

Watch Out for Nitrates in your Meat

Nitrates are prevelant in many meats.  Please pay attention: This can increase the chance of cancer by 21%. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Makes You Think

Have you seen the Food Matters Documentary?
It really makes you think!  What if you could receive nutrients and enzymes from raw fruits and vegetables without pesticides in a convenient manner?  What will the population look like in 20 years?  What are you going to do about it?